a - z指数



什么是金融中间人 ??

金融中间人 is a community-based organization established to match interested area individuals and families (朋友) with international students at Northwest. The program goals are to provide support to the students as they become adjusted to their new home and to promote 朋友hip and understanding between people of different nationalities.


金融中间人匹配两组人. The first is 网上赌博网站十大排行 international students. Many international students are drawn to the opportunity to have a ‘home away from home’, 使友谊, and experience American culture through family and community events. As students become more familiar with the community they also become more active citizens.

朋友是感兴趣的社区成员. 单身人士、家庭、退休人员等. 都可以成为国际学生的朋友吗. 朋友 apply because they want to share their time and talents with others. Having an interest in helping others and a desire to learn more about another culture is all that is required. The diversity of the 朋友 adds a special flare to the program as these people gather for small group and group 活动.


朋友 and students are asked to make contact once a month during their year-long commitment to the program. 接触可以有多种形式. 家庭聚餐, 参加体育赛事, 去万圣节鬼屋, 把树叶耙在一起, 一个快速的电话或短信...

朋友 and students can spend as much or as little time together as their schedules allow. 这使得每段关系都是独立而特殊的. 从朋友和学生的反馈中, 这个节目既丰富又有趣.

In addition to the individualized contact, 金融中间人 holds two group events each year. At the fall picnic, 朋友 and students may meet in person for the first time. The second event is in the spring and usually consists of a potluck and interesting cultural presentations.



金融中间人 是探视项目,不是寄宿项目. 学生和 朋友 工作任务通常为期一年. The relationship may continue well beyond that year, but we hope 朋友 会每年给其他学生提供服务吗.

学生 & 朋友

如果学生和 朋友 are not compatible for any reason, it is reasonable and possible to make a change. Do not be unhappy about the situation or simply neglect to contact the student. 电邮至 金融中间人@shandahongyang.com 把你的问题联系起来.  If your student seems to be having a difficult time adjusting to the life in the United States, 请立即通知网上赌博网站十大排行.


Religion and religious institutions constitute an important aspect of our culture in the United States that international students should have an opportunity to learn about and observe, 如果需要. 然而,政策的 全国网上赌博网站十大排行工作者协会, 以及 留学生之友 是不允许改变宗教信仰吗. 学生可能会被邀请与您一起参加服务, 特别是在宗教节日期间, but the nature of the event 以及 its sponsorship should be made clear to the student.

朋友 are also encouraged to attend the student’s religious and cultural events to broaden their own cultural understanding.  调查你学生的国家. 在地图或地图集上找到他们的家. Ask about their family, their hometown, their country and customs.


朋友 学生们被要求每个月至少联系一次. It may be only to inquire about health and well-being or it may be for an invitation. 思想才是最重要的. Keep in contact to show your interest, and let your student know you are available.

  • 朋友 邀请必须灵活. 学生来这里主要是为了受教育. Classes, studying, and research make great demands on their time. 可能需要收到几个邀请 朋友 和学生一起. Unforeseen circumstances such as exams or research projects may create problems with planned 活动. 朋友 should verify planned 活动 with students as the activity date approaches.
  • 有些文化认为说“不”是粗鲁或侮辱性的. 朋友 should clearly explain that an invitation could be declined without offense to the host.
  • 大多数学生没有汽车. 朋友 should offer to provide transportation to and from planned student/朋友 活动.
  • 包容 of your student in your family’s informal living situation is encouraged. 如果可能的话, students should be invited to Thanksgiving dinner and some 活动 during the Christmas season and semester breaks. 其他建议的活动包括家庭生日聚会, 学校的活动, 体育赛事, 音乐会, 讲座, 以及万圣节等特殊节日的庆祝活动, 情人节, 独立日, 等.
  • 学生 may enjoy preparing traditional foods from their homeland for 朋友. 朋友 could offer to reimburse or share in the cost of the ingredients and offer the use of their kitchen.





学生和 朋友 是分配给对方的吗 学年. (你会 五月前为金融中间人之友[NUIS学生为十二月].)  Many relationships continue beyond that time, and we hope yours will 太.

你和你的 朋友 should try to get together or at least talk with each other at least once a month—more often is better if both of you have time. 不要等待你的 朋友 每次都给你打电话.  随时打电话给你的 朋友, 太.

一个学生和一个 朋友 会有所不同. 有些人会有更多的时间在一起. Don’t feel bad if another student is invited out more often than you.

花点时间享受你们的关系. 如果你在学校很忙,随时告诉你的 朋友 you don’t have time then, but let them know you are interested in spending time with them. 你的 academics come first, but remember that it is good to take a break once in a while.

当你的 朋友 邀请过你或者对你做过什么好事吗, it is appropriate to send a note saying “thank you” or to call them and say “thank you” over the phone.

在你了解你的 朋友, you may want to offer to cook something from your country for them.  Show them and tell them what kinds of foods are eaten in your country.

你的 朋友 会对你的家庭和国家感兴趣吗.  You may want to take photos of your family or books about your country to share and tell them about your culture.

If you feel something is not quite right in your relationship with your 朋友,请与网上赌博网站十大排行联系 金融中间人@shandahongyang.com. 网上赌博网站十大排行很乐意为你提供帮助和建议.

你的 朋友 may invite you to go to his/her church, but he/she should not try to make you change your religion. 如果你自己的宗教习俗允许的话, going to an American church could be a unique and interesting experience for you.

留意那些 金融中间人 赞助并参加活动.  尽量用你的 朋友. 如果他/她不给你打电话,给他/她打电话. 请参加活动,即使你 朋友 不能来.

如果你和你的 朋友 都是不兼容的,很有可能做出改变吗. 联系 金融中间人 警察在 金融中间人@shandahongyang.com.

好好享受你在玛丽维尔的时光吧. If there is something you would particularly like to do or see, ask your 朋友. 他或她可能会带你或给你建议.
